I am delighted to join in on the fun this month on May Dreams Gardens'Garden Bloggers Bloom Day... this is exciting!
Will start with the 'potty' ladies on my patio:

1. Begonia [Begoniaceae]
My delightful begonia plant just aims to please. I'm pleased!!

2. Ixora [Ixora coccinea]
This is my orange ixora. She's not one to call attention to herself...
but she's always there when you need her.
but she's always there when you need her.

3. Water lily [Nymphaea]
My purple water lilies...dependable,never tardy. Love 'em.

4. AfricanDaisy [Gerbera jamesonii]
These gals love living together in close quarters - one big happy family.

5. Lotus [Nellumbium]
Lovely Lolo is a fickle lady, here today, gone tomorrow...sigh.
My thanks goes to May Dreams Gardens for hosting this meme.
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It is always a pleasure to read your comments. I shall certainly try my best to jet over to your blog and catch up with you there.