I can't possibly put all my photographs in one post, as there are too many, so for today's post, I shall....well, I shall just give you an overview of the garden and present some close-ups.
This public garden is located right in the city of Kuching, just adjacent to the Astana (Palace).From the city centre, we can see the Palace across the Sarawak River and what is quite unusual for me but which is common to those who live in this land of many rivers, is that we have to catch a boat to ferry us across that river. The price of the ride? A mere fifty cents! Here's our boatman!

There's the Palace.

We have to walk past the Palace gates to get to the Orchid Garden.

Here it is, The Orchid Garden!

From inside the garden, we can see another landmark of Kuching, the State Legislative building.

vigour resonates
vibrant and strong in your youth
song of orchids trill
(Haiku Heights - prompt : vibrant)

the perfume of you
drifts in my sublimal dreams
rare, mystic orchid

For Tootsie
rain falls
on tired orchids
petals curl up in storm
unbeaten they unfold again
sun shines
Cinquain for Poery Picnic
Thursday Poets Rally
Thursday Poets' Rally(Week 54)
Poetry Picnic